Rev M.S Lugongolo Foundation

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We include men into the conversation about gender and health.

About Us

We are a Community based Organization Situated in Phillipi Cape Town, working with men and boys related programs in Gender, Health and other social related issues as part of responding to the need to include men in the conversation.

Our Mission

To engage Men and Boys in innovative strategies that promote learning, unlearning and relearning ways that address inequality, violence, crime and health.


To create a community free from drugs, crime, women and children abuse, in which all people will share equal opportunities regardless of gender, sexual preference or age and race.

How we help

Men and Boys Support Groups

We run support groups for Men and Boys to promote brotherhood,create a safe space for Men to heal, unlearn, capacitation purpose .

Men and Boys Camp Facilitation

We run camp for Men and Boys to promote Social Cohesion, Social Mobilisation and also promote fight against GBV,Crime and social ills.

Sanitary Towels Program

as part of fighting inequality and promoting education we distribute diginity packs for young women in and out of school

Coaching and Mentoring


This program help Men and Boys with growth, development and reach they full potential, give Men and Boys opportunity for individuals to take responsibility for their own persoanal and career development.

The aim is to manage conflict that uses an impartial person to help the young Men to resolve the disagreements.The intention is to easy the community tensions before they escalate to something more demaging.

Mediation and Conflict Management


Young Men’s Assembly

Men and Boys engagement is critical to the gender equality and equity,necessary not only for womens empowerment,but also for transforming the social and gender norms that reinforce partriachy and inequality and harm both women and men.

Get Involved

There are countless ways you can help us in our quest help us to continue the conversation with Men and Boys .


Our Executive Summary

The Rev.M.S.Lugongolo Foundation is a community based organisation that was founded by Umfundisi Lugongolo in 2015 by doing charity work and developmental work in community. was fully registered in 2020 with sole purpose focusing on Men and Boys

The Foundation is based in Philippi, Cape Town,South Africa, we have footprint in 3 provices namely: Western Cape,Eastern Cape and Kwa-Natal(KZN). Our strenghth is working collaboratively with same minded stakeholders in community

About the founder,

Rev. M.S Lugongolo

Born in a small town call Ntabankulu(ku-Bonxa) in Alfred Nzo district municipality, near the border of KZN in the Eastern Cape, Rev. M.S Lugongolo grew up in a village with many different challenges ranging from socio-ecomonic issues, unequal opportunities under developed community. He started working with communities on gender, health and developmental issues from 2015 then fully registered the Foundation in 2020 to work with Men and Boys on Gender,Health and Developmental issue. He holds a of Theology and is also a Facilitatior.

Where we work

Since 2015 we have worked with men in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.

We are currently operating in 3 Provinces in South Africa including:

  • Western Cape Province
  • Eastern Cape Province
  • Kwa-Zulu Natal

doodle freehand drawing of south africa map.

Contact Us

Phone Number

+27 64 018 3227

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